Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Decisions about induction

Ok, so I am 40 weeks tomorrow and still no baby. I have been 3cm since 37 weeks and last week I was 70% effaced. This week I have had the least amount of contractions and goop compared to the last 3 weeks. I am little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I feel fine, but I really want to meet him. My mom and sister are also here from Michigan and have to leave in a couple weeks. 

Anyway, last week they were pushing induction again. The dr expected this to be a large baby which scares me. If I get induced I lose my natural labor I wanted and will end up getting an epidural because of the pitocin. I am so scared of not progressing fast enough and being pushed into a c-section. However, if I want too long then I worry about baby being too big and having to still have a c-section. 

I just don't know what to do. I don't want to be induced for the wrong reason and I am just so torn. DH thinks I should just go for it though

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